Resolved Deleted / moderated posts


Nov 25, 2015
Is there anyway we can get more detail when a post is deleted.
First (what post) I have no idea which post was deleted tonight,
second who is the moderator so I can get more info about what I did.
Assuming you are referring to this one:

Economics and skirting up against politics. The reason is stated as politics. We could elaborate but the reason given was "politics." Since the postings were in "Today's Joke" mega thread, this should not be a surprise to anyone as to why it was deleted.

Unless there is another post you are referring to?
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Well, at least I know what it was.. I was referring to a mental condition.. but I guess I missed their intention.

Thanks.... I still think it would help to know which , and more detail on why each time.
I had no idea.

Also sometimes it leads to frustration , because you just don't know. In this case I was frustrated by not knowing which post, and why.
the why still escapes me... but now that I see you guys think it's political , I can see how it could be taken that way.
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