Did Covid Save My Life


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 25, 2011
I do think covid probably saved my life.

Here is the run down, got both shots of moderna vaccine in Feb, got covid right after the first shot and had the bam infusion (google it). Covid wasn't that bad for me other than a cough that wouldn't go away. Several trips to doctors with x-rays, on the third time within a month the x-ray showed a spot on my left lung. CT scan and PET scan indicated cancer. On May 8th I had surgery and they removed most of the upper lobe of my left lung. The spot was less than 1 cm and had not spread to my lymph nodes. Which made it stage 1.:) They did the robotic surgery. Stayed in hospital for 8 days. Good thing for pain pills.

The oncologist says nothing more is needed at this time--no chemo or radiation.:)

I did have a heart problem right after surgery- afib, heart rate jumped to 168 and they put me on an IV to control it and then just some pills. My heart Doctor thinks I can get off the pills in about 6 months.

I think that I am doing pretty good, no oxygen needed, still short on breath but seems to be getting better each day. I can get around and do yard work, weedeating is pretty tough, but I live on 5 acres and have a lot of it. I break it down into small sections at a time.

So I think that they would not have found the cancer until it had progressed further if it wasn't for getting covid.
I like the good out come of catching the cancer early. Hope you are with us for quite a while longer.
Glad to hear you are doing well considering what you have been thru. Stay strong, be well.
sorry to hear of the cancer, but glad you are here to tell us about it!
happy to hear they are not recommending chemo
best of luck John
Thank goodness for the early find, I hope all goes well from now on :)
This is a happy ending to a scary story, I understand what you mean when you say Covid saved your life, when you think about it had you waited longer before you got your vaccine or if things did not happen the way they did, the outcome could have been really horrible for you and your family, I guess you could say it was a blessing that your doctor showed due diligence and caught the cancer early.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Your lung capacity/breathing should adjust accordingly, as the normal volume is well below max capacity. Exercise, such as walking will increase exercise tolerance
I'm not sure I'd call cancer lucky, but glad they caught it early, even if Covid was the reason. Best of luck regaining your lung capacity, keep at it.