Die head


Aug 10, 2021
Does anyone have a die head that uses this type of chaser and goes down to 1/4 inch? I have a lot chasers but no head. IMG_1562.JPGIMG_1563.JPG
yeah, after a lot of research i figured out its an H&G series 100. seems no one has one
was just browsing through an auction link (pointed out in another thread) and came across this 103 set!
Thought of you (since you're actually trying to do a job)

Judging from the rest of the business and auction I'll bet it's a pretty complete set

It's in WI... but maybe you can figure something out
wow, thank you for thinking of me. do you happen to know if a 103 will go down to 1/4 inch ?
honestly I don't know. I'm a rank amateur with this stuff.
I think there are styles 101, 102 and 103.
Mine is a 102 but I don't know enough about it to even tell you much about mine.
bumping up an old thread. I am still looking for an H&G 100 or 101 head but I also picked up a Geometric 9/16 head but no chasers so now Im looking for chasers to fit that one also. thanks
I have a lot of 9/16 chasers. What sizes do you need?