Dividing heads reviews & opinions?

My understanding is that a dividing head and a super spacer are one and the same. Merely different nomenclature.

Super Spacer (Spin index, spindex)

Dividing head

They are basically the same, but a dividing head offers more accuracy, flexibility, and the option to mount a chuck, unlike a spindex. You *can* mount a 5c arbor chuck on a spindex, but then your asking for tolerance stacking and flex in the device.
For the most part your correct. Although all DH do not have the same ratio. A RT can still mill at angle with a sine plate. And a 6in chuck can fit a 6in table. Sp LB for Lb I think the RT would weight less by capacity comparison. But as you mentioned, a 6in table would have much less mass behind it then a like size DH.