DIY Knurler


Active User
Aug 22, 2014
Here's a project I completed some time ago. It's a scissor knurler, made from bits and pieces again. I bought the two knurling wheels on ebay and made the rest myself. No mill, so made it using the lathe, linisher and files. The most difficult part was cutting the slot in the middle section of the upper and lower arms for the adjuster screw, as you can see it's a little wonky. Been using it for quite a while now, does a pretty good job - very handy!

PA240062.JPG PA240064.JPG
Nice. I have been wanting to build one myself for a while. I may have to actually get started on one now.
That's a much better design, keeps the fingers away from the chuck. I preferred this design but without a mill it's beyond my workshop..
Here's a project I completed some time ago. It's a scissor knurler, made from bits and pieces again. I bought the two knurling wheels on ebay and made the rest myself. No mill, so made it using the lathe, linisher and files. The most difficult part was cutting the slot in the middle section of the upper and lower arms for the adjuster screw, as you can see it's a little wonky. Been using it for quite a while now, does a pretty good job - very handy!

Exposing my ignorance, but what is a linisher? I've seen it referenced a few times now.
The fun part of making this knurling tool was that we took it from concept to design to program to producing it. My neighbor and I learned a great deal in the process.