Doubly Whammy Rust Removal Experiment


Feb 7, 2013
Today I started to remove some rust on some rusty bolts with the age old molasses soak. This seemed waaaay too slow so I added
a little washing soda to the mix and hooked up the negative terminal of my 12 volt DC source to the bolts and the positive to my
sacrificial anode. At this point the mix is foaming away and my ammeter is reading about two to three amperes. This method will
work both chemically with the molasses and electrically with the applied current. The bolts are laying in the bottom of a plastic
coffee can and at least some are connected to each other so will find out in a few hours if this method proves effective.
This method I will try again soon. I let the molasses mix sit over night after giving it an hour of DC current. I was surprised to
see that I was down to bare metal with a light rubbing from a Scotch Bright pad! I have to think there is some merit to this
so would appreciate other experimenters to try the same and report their findings. Get out your battery charger or whatever
DC source you have and let me know your results. I have not tried molasses by itself but I am pretty sure the process
is accelerated by electrolysis.