Dough Cutter/Scraper, Reclaimed Materials

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
My wife has picked up baking as a hobby.
She has baked for years, but now her frequency of baking has increased.
She expressed interest in getting a dough cutter/scraper .
Without a word to her, the gears of production began to turn in my head.
I have no shortage of materials to construct a dough cutter.
Sure I could spend $8 and get one from Amazon, but what is the fun in that???
I took some scrap 304 stainless and cut a 5”x6” chunk from it with an angle grinder.
Deburrring was the next step.
A 1.25”x6”x1” reclaimed oak handle was rendered and slit down the middle on edge to a depth of 7/8”.
My table saw blade was wider than the blade of the dough cutter, creating excessive clearance.
I considered methods of shimming and capture of the blade.
The decision was made to longitudinally cut the handle and render a 3/4”x6”x 3/8” clamp.
This left an L shaped handle piece and the aforementioned clamp piece.
I mixed up some clear 2 part epoxy and mounted the cutter blade into the handle after coating the interior of the clamping surfaces of the handle.
I put screw clamps around the handle and drilled holes in the handle to securely retain the cutter blade .
I gooped up 2- 1/8”x2” aluminum dowels with the epoxy and drove them into position.
After drying a couple days I sanded and finished the handle with a beeswax/mineral oil mixture.
I cleaned the blade and rubbed it down with some mineral oil.
I presented to her, to her delight!

Without further ado ,
The pictures….



Thanks for reading!
You da man Doc! My wife got us one with a rolled SS handle for cleaning the big butcher block prep table next to the stove. I thought it another silly gadget until I used it. It’s the only way to clean counters!
Thanks for sharing this, Mike! It's great to know that there is an actual tool out there for something I am constantly trying to do- scraping dough!
I subscribe to the same philosophy Mike. Why would I buy something that for a little more money and a lot more time, I could just make myself !

I subscribe to the same philosophy Mike. Why would I buy something that for a little more money and a lot more time, I could just make myself !

Ted, I am of the philosophy that my huge enjoyment and satisfaction from the design and build process is far more precious. The time and money aspect is irrelevant. Now mind you, there are just somethings that need consideration for buying. My time on this huge ball is limited in the number of projects I can take on. You know, everything in moderation. :eagerness:

Ulma, nice job. That tool will put a smile on your wife's face every time she uses it.
Ya Randy, I agree. I certainly didn't spend all of the money and time I've spent on my tools and machinery with any illusion that it would every pay for itself. It's all for the enjoyment of being a little creative and self sufficient.
