DRO died on me, but now working again.


Nov 25, 2015
I think I am going to be needing a new DRO soon. No doubt it will be a touch dro. I've been watching it's capabilities grow.
It appears my dro may have overheated.. It shut down, and would only give a little click when I turned it on.
It's a Chinese JingCe, and aside from the crappy manual, has served me well. I opened it up, and found nothing wrong to the eye. No burned out parts, which is what I was expecting, figuring either a cap, or MosFet had bit the dust. All clean on the Eastern (NJ ) front.. So I took out another power cable and tried it. It took a while to power up. But it did. Who knows. I have it mounted again, and am leaving it on to see if the screen protector is holding the heat in.

Also just got the VFD in.. :)
My Grizzly DRO, similar to many of the Chinese ship direct DRO's, has been on almost continuously for 18 years with the vinyl screen protector in place, No problems.
If it fails again, I'd open it up and try to determine the power supply output the the logic circuitry. Easy enough to probe the output voltage and see if the power supply is working or not. If it has a working power supply but doesn't fire up then it's not worth fixing. If the power supply is not working, I'd just shotgun replace any/all electrolytic capacitors in the power supply. Admittedly you need to be comfortable soldering, and probing live circuits for this to be a viable approach. The TouchDRO project stuff looks nice, blondihacks did a good review not too long ago.
If it fails again, I'd open it up and try to determine the power supply output the the logic circuitry. Easy enough to probe the output voltage and see if the power supply is working or not. If it has a working power supply but doesn't fire up then it's not worth fixing. If the power supply is not working, I'd just shotgun replace any/all electrolytic capacitors in the power supply. Admittedly you need to be comfortable soldering, and probing live circuits for this to be a viable approach. The TouchDRO project stuff looks nice, blondihacks did a good review not too long ago.
thanks, I'm pretty good with soldering.
I'm less than educated on trouble shooting ckts, I'm a clueless hack when it comes to understanding what's going on.