Dry powder .................when is the question ?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
Stock markets going down daily , and one of my favs in the past got a haircut today . I'm going to sit on the fence this week and watch it closely . It may be time . :drool:

I'm worried the market could still be a falling knife, but I'll be watching closely this week.
I have been getting several trade alerts from my financial group, mostly on sold stocks. I noticed this morning that my cash holdings went from 20K to 85K, they must have seen something coming. Hang on boys it's gonna get rough.... :)
I have been getting several trade alerts from my financial group, mostly on sold stocks. I noticed this morning that my cash holdings went from 20K to 85K, they must have seen something coming.
Time to upgrade to CNC then ! :encourage:
@Aukai may not go for CNC, but I have my eye out for a suitable VMC to add to the shop. Minor catch is that the construction company hasn't started building the new shop, but "... by the end of January". Fingers crossed.
As the FED starts raising the rate, the market will start down. The question how much increase and over how much time.
I have been looking at MAIN and GAIN. Similar companies and payouts. MAIN did better over the last decade.
I think we still have a long way to go before we reach the bottom. I’m keeping my cash on the sidelines for a few more months to see how this plays out. More real estate developers in China are defaulting and I think that is going to spill over to the world economy in the next few months. I also think the fed was too late reducing QE and will need to raise rates quickly to reduce inflation, which will hurt stocks, then will probably overreact as usual once the market starts correcting. I think we will get at least a 25% drop this year, but I think 50% down is a real possibility by the end of the year.
I'm certainly not one to try to time the market. But I've substantially eased off the gas pedal on my investments in the past few weeks.

Ready to hop back on the gas when (if?) the time comes. Hard to believe it won't, but I've been surprised before.