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I was out in the shop the other day and was thinking that it would probably be a good idea to hook up a horn that is in the house for an emergency to alert wife etc if you need help.

any one doen this yet?
I found a cheap wireless doorbell. The push button is in the shop the receiver is in the den. I think it was $0.50 at a yard sale.

The cell phone is aways within easy reach (not stuffed in pocket). If I'm in a condition that I can't reach the cell phone sitting atop the work bench, it's probably a situation where life is in the balance or already tipped past that point.

And aways remember, there was a time in our lives when we didn't have cell phones -and as I recall, those days weren't all that bad.

I was out in the shop the other day and was thinking that it would probably be a good idea to hook up a horn that is in the house for an emergency to alert wife etc if you need help.

any one doen this yet?

That is not a bad idea. If it was my shop I would install a internal and external alarms. Just in case if there is no one in the house at least a neighbor can call for help. Years ago Radio Shack sold a phone dialer that could be added to a alarm system. One could prerecord a message and contact list. Now days it could be set to contact 911.
I don't have one but my Dad had a wired intercom hooked up between his shop and house about 20 years ago. Now I would think a wireless intercom would be the easy way to go, some have a decent range.
since my heart attack 10 tears ago i always have my phone....now getting the wife to answer is a different story...
since my heart attack 10 tears ago i always have my phone....now getting the wife to answer is a different story...

Hah hah hah hah!!! Yes, you have to make sure to call someone who isn't going to collect on you!! Hah hah hah!
Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

The thought of a shop accident scenario has crossed my mind while working alone when nobody is home or fast asleep two floors up.
Definitely something to contemplate.