Ever Been Burgled/Robbed?

Hi all,
I have never had anything stolen that I was aware of. Am I Lucky? No ! It had more to do with where I have lived and my pets.

My pets over the years have included dogs,usually larger dogs. Being fairly territorial dogs (in general) are a physical and audible deterrent to burglars.

I once returned home from shopping to find my Rottweiler bailing up two workers from the local electrical authority who had arrived to replace the electrical meter.We did not know they were coming to do this.It was Ok for them to be
there but no one told the dog.They were there 2 hours ,not harmed, but unable to leave as dog would not allow that.

The dog somehow knew it was ok for people to bring things to the house but not Ok to let them take anything away.

The same dog would allow my then 4 year son to brush his (the dogs teeth) It was upsetting for my wife as my son would then brush his own teeth using the same brush.

Not everyone can have a dog but having a dog here in Oz it does attract a smaller insurance premium with some companies. All of our situations are different and I acknowledge that.

No, but one incident of unlawful entry when I lived in town. That person was met with a .45 ready to rock and a very large and aggressive dog. Dog pinned the intruder by his shoulders to the wall, teeth bared and drooling. I called the cops - who arrived 20 minutes later. Dog never got down until cops arrived. Mine was the third house the loser entered that night. These days, everyone around here knows I'm a well armed and trained shooter, and that I have 2 very large dogs. That might not stop them, but they will be stopped if they come. I've also installed high quality security. This would be the wrong place for a criminal to come. I get downright crabby about it.
My car was broken into back in the 70's and they took my box of 8 tracks. The 8 tracks were missed but the box was what really hurt. It was my Grandfathers homemade tool box. It was a depression era project made hand made from old shipping crates and was rather well done considering he was by no means a woodworker.

When I was in the Navy my wallet was stolen along with the pants they were in! It was the day we were returning from a Med cruise, I had already packed most of my stuff and was taking a last shower. I hung my pants outside the shower stall and someone walked off with them. Since I was getting back from a cruise I had a considerable amount of cash, my Military ID, drivers license but no credit cards back then.

I at one time had a set of letter drills that seem to have gone missing. I suspect someone but can't prove it. If it is the suspect he wouldn't know what letter drills are used for and probably doesn't even realize it isn't a normal set of drills.
Good thread.Not to get off topic but now would be a good time for every one take pictures or video of there possessions in the house and the shop.And make a inventory so you can prove to your insurance company what is missing. With the proper precautions these things can be avoided.At the least you can prove whats missing.
While I have never been burgled I have found that things that go missing tend to be "Barrowed" by friends and neighbors that "Forget" to bring them back.
Yep , sure have , in 2008 while the wife and I were away on vacation got the call from the in-laws . We had to cut the vacation
short due to having to return home to meet with the police detectives and insurance adjusters.

They used a metal patio chair to bust out the windows only after destroying the door casing with whatever they used as a pry bar.
Once in they got the jewelry boxes ,guns , safe , even tore some of the curtains down !!!!! Detectives said they probably used the
curtains to wrap up the goods.

It definitely leaves you with an uneasy feeling for a while . If they needed money that bad I would have been glad to help them
out , rather than them destroying my home.

This is why I never post any pictures online of the inside of my shop showing all the tools of my livelihood.
More times than I care to remember and mostly tools. I also had a lawn mower stolen out on my back yard without anyone going through the house, meaning it had to be lifted over a six ft. chain link fence.
Good thread.Not to get off topic but now would be a good time for every one take pictures or video of there possessions in the house and the shop.And make a inventory so you can prove to your insurance company what is missing. With the proper precautions these things can be avoided.At the least you can prove whats missing.
While I have never been burgled I have found that things that go missing tend to be "Barrowed" by friends and neighbors that "Forget" to bring them back.

A darn good idea Gator.Its a bit late today but I shall start tomorrow. I am in the process of moving into my new shed at the moment.I have set up a spread sheet before but it was on windows and I now have an iMac.
The wife and I walked through the house and my shop making a video with verbal commentary on all we owned. have to keep a copy in a 'safe' that will resist fire and one on the computer and give copies to the children just in case.

A video log says more than even photos, the insurance company recommended it. Still, do the photos if you have nothing else.
This is an interesting thread as for my sins I hold a managers certificate in industrial security to run a fairly large security operation .

The only way to definitely stop a thief is to shoot the bugger dead before they enter your property but then that becomes a bit hairy for you .

I'm afraid that drug fuelled crime wave is very hard to reduce .. These people 's minds run some amazing scenarios in their everlasting quest for money for drugs.

I wouldn't put too much faith on having a couple of GSD's or Rotti's etc.lurking about the place ..not after seeing two dead as a door nail Rotti's nailed to the inside of a pub's back door with carving knives & meat forks . All the stock and much of the fitting were take in that raid as well as six gambling machines being emptied of every last sou.

Some folk will steal the most strangest of things or so we sometimes think . A neighbour lost a pair of wader/ fishing boots from his raised up open garage door , two doors down the people lost a 300 plus collection of miniature bottles of spirits the same day in broad day light when they were at an old folks tea dance . Putting two & two together the police reckon the boots were used to move the bottles. No one saw a bloody thing , me included , and we lived at the end of a 200 mtr long cul-de-sac full of well fenced in back gardens and short two feet tall front lawn hedges between all the homes on all sides of the cul-de -sac with no escape pathways at all for a quick get a way.

Barry, one of my many farming mates , was cutting his large front lawn with a ride on mower , the phone went . He had to slip back into the bungalows farm office which faces away from the front of the property to check some info out . Four minutes later when he came back to the lawn the ride on had gone from the middle of the lawn .
He can't prove it but it's thought the caller was in cahoots with the thieves and was observing him ,. So when he went inside the thieves spotter called/ texted them on a second cell phone to say what the score was . They were then were able to come along the road with a small truck and carry off the mower. Barry lives in a farm house set back 150 yards from a single track road there is not a tree or bush close to the road side for a mile either side of his farm .
We tend to have quite a few roving gangs like these and the google earth and other parts of the internet and wired up community make their thieving so much easier.

Now the thieves knew he will have claimed on his insurance and got a new ride on . For three months later...... his new ride on was stolen when a forced entry was made to his barns by some folk driving across his fields instead of coming along the road.

After this I helped him set up a 40 foot shipping container as a security lock up , got him to build a concrete block inner lining wall which had high tensile expanded pressed metal on the inside of that and also across the roof on the inside . That was OK for almost a year till one day he came in from the field when his phone alreted him to a an alarm being triggered . He called up several other farmers along the road where he lives & got them to meet up at the entrance to the farm ( His wife was out shopping 20 miles away ) They found the doors of his container cut out , the latest ride on and brand new less than ten hours of use big quad were gone , so were almost all his hand tools . Someone had visited the farm armed with with a truck mounted generator , a couple of dry air or oxygen cylinders with gauges and a plasma cutter . It was a very neat job and who ever did it was very very experienced with the cutting gear

They may have had two people doing the door cutting & opening the doors .
They had driven past several remotely powered & transmitting colour CCTV cameras , set off two alarms , ( one of which rang Barry's mobile with a pre-programmed message about security ) with the trucks number plates tape over and the paper vehicle licencing disc also taped over .. All the three guys in the truck wore the white hooded painters coveralls and what looked like white rubber gloves & white dairyman's wellington boots..

Barry reckons that it was less than 17 minutes from him getting the alarm call to him & his farmer pals arriving at the farm They met no one coming from the farm in either direction along the road .
We estimated that they took less than three minutes to burn the doors open and about the same to load the stolen goods. It's obvious that there were several accomplice's stationed around the area observing from a distance to give a quick text on a stolen phone to the thieves alerting them if someone came along .

The last time I talked with Barry he said no insurance company will now insure him for less than several thousand pounds ( sterling ) every six months .

I myself had a walk in theft .. Christmas eve 1974 I'd helped my ex wife bake four dozen mince pies . It was quite hot in the tiny kitchen so we left the back door to the enclosed back garden ajar.( the three foot high back gate was bolted & padlocked )
The beautiful aroma of fresh baked hot mince pies was enticingly wafting around the neighbour hood . In the kitchen we also had our Phillips Taifun battery radio tuned to Christmassy pop music playing gently .

We took time out from the hot kitchen & further baking with a cup of coffee & to sit with our two & a half year old Munchkin and watch some children's TV with her . Once we'd stopped laughing at the antics of Road Runner thwarting Wily Coyote yet again , I became aware of a pressure drop in the air and felt a bit colder.
Then I became aware that the radio was not giving out it festive stuff.

As I walked into the kitchen I found the back door was wide open with a towel dropped on the floor to hold it open . All the three racks of cooling mince pies and the radio had gone so had a large shopping bag . Immediately I ran outside to see who was about ..not a sausage to be seen . I then knocked on several neighbours to make enquiries , most were out shopping but none of these in residence reckoned that they had seen or heard anything. I couldn't smell the mince pies at the homes that answered the door either.

It certainly gave us a sickening feeling in our stomach's for a few days . I'm so glad that our kiddy was in the front room and not playing about in the back garden on her own as she often did .

After that we got permission to raise the chain link fencing to 6 foot tall on concrete posts and I ran three simple trip alarms along the fence line on my side I also alarmed the gate with a simple magnet and reed switch circuit that put a 9 volt screamer ( secreted in the shed roof ) on if the gate was opened or removed from the hinges by some one unscrewing it.

Obviously I suspect that it was one of our " neighbours " who didn't answer the door when I went enquiring that had nicked the goods, but proving it and making sure you cripple the right guy is perhaps not quite the politically correct way to behave in a so called civilised society , for you might just get hold of the wrong person ..
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A darn good idea Gator.Its a bit late today but I shall start tomorrow. I am in the process of moving into my new shed at the moment.I have set up a spread sheet before but it was on windows and I now have an iMac.

I've always had borrowers list in a small hard backed booklet ....nothing goes out of here that is not recorded . I don't lose much via the borrowers .

I also make it a rule to go to them in a few weeks with the book saying I need to have that tool etc. back that you borrowed on such & such a date . Though to be honest I try and follow the old maxim of, " Never a borrower nor a Lender be " .

I upset the old gal next door when she said, " Dave can I borrow your pressure washer to let my grandson ( he's 22 yrs old ) clean my yard & would you let me put the hose pipe on your outside tap because I'm on a water meter and you're not " ?

" Yes " I said , " If you help me pay for it ..it's cost me over £480 ( sterling ) I reckon to get about 10 by 5 hours of use out of them before they give up the ghost one way or another add another £5 for the water because i still pay for my water ... So how about £ 30 for a days use . She declined