Farm repair work

labor cost is hard to say, if your quick at what you do i'd say about 42.00 a hr not to exceed a certain limit if you slow then quote per job, cut retube and weld drive shaft 190.00, always dble what you have to buy parts for, if a part costs you 20.00 charge customer 40, this is called mark up everyone does it, determine what is your labor worth, sometimes its better to have repeating customers than try to make a full weeks check on 1 person:biggrin:mac

That's about what I figured, I will probably go easy while I am learning. Say if a job takes me an hour only charge a 1/2 hour while I am learning. Also, I was going to look up how much their shaft would be to buy new, and try to base a figure off of that price.

That's about what I figured, I will probably go easy while I am learning. Say if a job takes me an hour only charge a 1/2 hour while I am learning. Also, I was going to look up how much their shaft would be to buy new, and try to base a figure off of that price.

anytime you can get a price on a new part do it it will help you determine your:cool:
My view also is bigger is better. Here theres still a few farms left, here there has been an explosion of
landscapers seems everybody is a landscaper most treat their equip like animals. Myself when in
season its only a cheap add in the newspaper. Im just an old schooler with possible brain damage, so
I dont care if its Sunday or whatever, the key is these guys need it now. Yes there are Nasa machine
shops but then its the big bucks and mostly downtime. Ill do it now, right now. So my story goes back
when I needed a weird distrubutor gear made, within walking distance a shop you name it they got the
machine. For the cheap $100 and one month i got the gear. After awhile I asked a freind works there
about this gear reply was oh somebody made that on their lunch brake in 10 min. He explained a machine
scans my broken one, then push a button done deal. Back to the real world, I stick with shafts bushings
splines welding cutting just the general stuff to get you going. Also you half to know left hand threading
and most are acme for a lot of farm stuff, so I suggest something with a quick change gear box. In
general I do just about all of that on a SB 9A. I also then whenever I visit small engine guys auto
repair even my Napa spread the word and leave a card. Not rich but I keep occupied. sam
I would love to go big to start with, but I don't have the money right now. Also, I can't see spending $20,000 on a 17"x80" lathe for work that I might get. So, I am going to get a 12"x36" to learn on and see what kind of work I would be able to get, wheather I would be able to get the 17"x80" or not

It's kind of funny how I started out looking at the 7"x16" lathes, now looking at the 17"x80" lathes, next I am going to want a 36"x30ft:) lathe.
