First post. Hello


May 21, 2019
Looking to learn as much as I can here.

Worked on helicopters for The Marines in the 90’s (electrical), then on to high tech. I now work for a laser based company building experimental machines for research (assembly, set up, laser alignment and calibration).

I was gifted a Jet JMD-18 mill/drill and a Grizzly DF-1237G belt driven lathe from the 80’s. The table is worn out and the lathe is out of alignment. The gears on the lathe have a lot of slop.

The 3-jaw chuck has about 0.050” runout but I can dial in the 4-jaw down to about 0.0003”.

I did buy an Aloris tool post kit with some quick change attachments as well as a Jacobs tailstock drill chuck. I’ve got a set of Jacobs R8 chucks on the way for the Jet.

I’m hoping to be able to figure out how to recondition these machines so I can learn some basic machining skills.

I did get my garage wired and they are working. I’ve been able to cut a few items so far.



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Welcome to the forum. It looks like you're of to a good start with your machines. Let us know what you're working on, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
Welcome aboard! I think if you describe what you mean you want to repair on your machines again you will see many chime in to help you. As an example you say the table is worn out, What do you feel is worn? might be a matter of adjustment as a first thought.

Welcome to the forum, looking forward to hear how you progress with your machines.

Give me a shout if you need anything to get started. My number and email is still the same one I used when I was on the M14 Forum. I have a few special toolings I can send if you need to use any.

When you get to the point you want to chamber a M14/M1A barrel, let me know. I have a few externally contoured ones done up by Whiteoak. They have the threads for the castle nut and gas cylinder lock. What's left to do: Thread tenon, chamber, cut splines, and finish crown. Contouring the 14 barrels on manual machines is just too painful, John H from WOA program his Okuma from the print I provided him. The barrels came out great.

Nice to see a familiar face Nez! I’d eventually like to cut chambers but the lathe is in no shape yet. I think when I’m ready to do that I’ll order up that reamer print you sent me a couple of years ago.

For now, it’s good enough to cut shoulders for indexing and rolling shoulders on barrels that over-index.

I’ve been using the mill to route stocks and it’s working okay for now. I was warned to keep the vacuum running when routing fiberglass, so I suck up everything as it’s being cut.

I’d eventually like to replace them with a Bridgeport and a Hardinge.

As soon as I can scrape up funds, I’ll take you up on one of those barrels. I’ve got a couple of projects in the works.

Call me any time! My number hasn’t changed.

Welcome aboard! I think if you describe what you mean you want to repair on your machines again you will see many chime in to help you. As an example you say the table is worn out, What do you feel is worn? might be a matter of adjustment as a first thought.
The cross slide on my lathe requires one full turn of the wheel before slack is taken up and direction changes. The apron wheel indicates 0.012” before slack is gone.

On the Jet table, it’s stiff and jerky with tight and loose spots. It vibrates in some areas. I lubed the dovetails and the lead screw and it got a little better. The long axis requires 1/4 turn of the handle to change direction. The short axis requires 1/8 turn.

I started a lathe restoration thread for further discussion on that.

Welcome to the forum. Lots of good folks on here and are always willing to help!
Welcome to the working side of the hobby TonyBen. I've enjoyed your videos on M1A's - [I'm guessing same person].

Hope to see you progress and enjoy these new acquisitions.....