First time using the boring bar

I am in Australia in Victoria, we are in lock down and the weather has been sad. Today I spent hours outside looking for stuff to "machine".

I suggest you reduce the stick out of your bar from the holder to the bare minimum required for the bore depth, and kick up your feed rate so you produce chips that look like a coiled spring. Your accuracy and finish will greatly improve.
Thanks Mikey. Still learning so thanks for the tips. I'm still worried about the post hitting the spinning parts, and getting a view on what's going on. That was literally the first time I have use that bit. I'll do some more today and see how I go.
I'm still worried about the post hitting the spinning parts, and getting a view on what's going on.

This is why we have carriage stops. If you don't have one, make one. They are really useful for boring to precision depths.
Fforget the weather and start a new project that is absolutely a must have, and that is a carriage stop.
If you need it once, you'll need it again so here's a good one to copy from , it is a tried and true carriage stop by our very own Mikey:
That's the thing, due to lock down my shed build is halted. My lathe in under my veranda for now. No light, and it's very cold. So day time only for me at the moment for me.

Yes I need to make this, as well as a carriage lock. I do not have a drill press or mill.
Until you get a mill, move your carriage to the max depth you want and put a Sharpie mark on the ways. When boring, stop when you reach it.