Fish or Cut Bait-Move or settle?


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
My wife and I have tried to convince ourselves that we are ok with our home and property.
Why do we keep looking at Zillow properties almost daily?
After the fire we bid on 4 properties until we finally bought this home.
The garage is my shop. No place for my wife's car or our stuff.
The property is small. There is a pool which is nice.

I spoke to a money guy yesterday and our financial guy.

We can do this.
It's exciting and scary at the same time.
I retire in a few months, go on SS and Medicare.
We made a mistake. Apartment living forced us to buy in a hurry.

We take our time and find the right property. Our realtor said the feeding frenzy isn't so bad at our budget level. That's a good thing.

The hunt begins.
I'm confused... I thought you just bought?
are you saying what you bought is wrong for you? And you are looking again????
I'm confused... I thought you just bought?
are you saying what you bought is wrong for you? And you are looking again????
We bought a home in March of 2019. We were burned out in November of 2018.
We gave it a good bit of time to try out suburban living.
Our Paradise property was like living in a park. All the lots were an acre or more.
35 years of that life kind of makes you spoiled.
Yes, we are looking for the last time, I hope.
Now is not a good time but I have a hunch the next six months we'll see a change in the markets.
Or at least further east. Property and taxes are so much lower. Mike
Or at least further east. Property and taxes are so much lower. Mike
Someone told me the property taxes in New York and maybe Mass. were in the 8% range?
Yeah I agree, many states have much more favorable taxes, fees, DMV etc.
Moving is a hassle. But having the right place, or something you can develop into the right place, is really nice. As you retire is the perfect time to find that right place. As I've told my wife several times, we finally hit the right spot for us.

You're in a good position. You don't have to move until you find something that is right for both of you. Good luck in your search.