Fixing an acme lead screw

So then it was time to put it all back together again. Unfortunately while I was cleaning all the parts I found cracks in the bearing block. I put it together anyway just to try it out and its much better then it was but now I need to make a new bearing block. I may change the bearings as well as they look kind of junky. If I'm going through all that work then it might make sense to change to a ball screw. I need to think about this for a while.

That is the common way to do it, pressing a piece in and silver solder or a cross pin is also used, Acme screw stock is available back in the day we made it, Acme taps are costly but worth the expense if you need to do this frequently.
I had considered just making a whole new one but its a metric thread and no metric lathe and if I bought the threaded rod it might not match the nut as well as the original.