found this at a thrift store


Active User
Oct 12, 2012
My neighbor found this for me at a thrift store, 2 bucks.

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I'll give ya $3.00 for it! LOL nice score, and kudos to an awesome neighbor.

Jake Parker
I have the same mic in 0-1". Who makes it? Mine looks identical, "made in Germany". Just curious

Nice score and nice neighbor!

The Made In Germany thing I find interesting.

Made after 1990 or before 1939?

I'd say before '39.
That is an awesome score. I always poke my head in those stores when I have free time service calls jobs. Lots of crap but sometimes it pays off. :)
I dont know who makes it cant find a name on it. We have a mutual friend that deals with this stuff on epay and if Dean finds stull like this it goes to him. Then he comes to my house and sees if I have the tool if I dont I get it if I do it goes on epay. This is how I got all my measuring tools.
Nice score Vince. Since you have no idea how long it's been unused, I suggest unscrewing the thimble from the lathe and put a drop or two of light oil on the threads. That will keep the fine precision threads from galling from being dry.

Does it zero out correctly with the standard?

How long have you known me? You got to speak in english. The Standard, you mean the little thinggy in the box?

No I havent done anything with it yet. The guy that got it from the thrift store were working on a 147 for him to cut with this year. Another week and Ill know better what I got and how it measures up.