Going out with my wife isn't what it use to be


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
My wife Glenda and I enjoy the occasional night out for a drink or two and a small plate at the bar.
This saves money and we enjoy the camaraderie and the atmosphere.

So what's changed?

Last night we paid $71 including a 15% tip for two domestic bottled beers, one glass of wine, a small salad and an order of mussels.
Does that seem like a lot to you?
Or is it I'm retired and on a fixed income?

A week ago we went to another place downtown, same scenario, almost $70 for two taco plates and a couple drinks.

A half gallon of milk is almost $6. A box of Granola was $7.99 at Raleys but only $4.68 at Winco.
Don't get me started on meat.

At least gas has come down.

Maybe we won't go out anymore. Fat chance of that.
I am married after all. :)
Yep, It's expensive to go out these days. I never pay the 15% tip; I do tip just not the 15% that is recommended. I have a niece who is a bar tender, she let it out of the bag that last years she made over $100K with tips and wages. I was working in what I called a skilled job and never made that much money and never got a tip.
My wife Glenda and I enjoy the occasional night out for a drink or two and a small plate at the bar.
This saves money and we enjoy the camaraderie and the atmosphere.

So what's changed?

Last night we paid $71 including a 15% tip for two domestic bottled beers, one glass of wine, a small salad and an order of mussels.
Does that seem like a lot to you?
Or is it I'm retired and on a fixed income?

A week ago we went to another place downtown, same scenario, almost $70 for two taco plates and a couple drinks.

A half gallon of milk is almost $6. A box of Granola was $7.99 at Raleys but only $4.68 at Winco.
Don't get me started on meat.

At least gas has come down.

Maybe we won't go out anymore. Fat chance of that.
I am married after all. :)
Unfortunately, it's our new normal... Here in NJ, many restaurants are bring your own bottle but the money you save there is eaten up (no pun intended) by the prices of the food. It's quite common for main courses to run $40-$50 and I have seen some as high as $70.00. Add the appetizers and dessert and coffee and we are pushing $180 - $200 and I brought my own booze. It's ridiculous.
My wife Glenda and I enjoy the occasional night out for a drink or two and a small plate at the bar.
This saves money and we enjoy the camaraderie and the atmosphere.

So what's changed?

Last night we paid $71 including a 15% tip for two domestic bottled beers, one glass of wine, a small salad and an order of mussels.
Does that seem like a lot to you?
Or is it I'm retired and on a fixed income?

A week ago we went to another place downtown, same scenario, almost $70 for two taco plates and a couple drinks.

A half gallon of milk is almost $6. A box of Granola was $7.99 at Raleys but only $4.68 at Winco.
Don't get me started on meat.

At least gas has come down.

Maybe we won't go out anymore. Fat chance of that.
I am married after all. :)

Jobs that used to be occupied by high school and college students are being transformed into living wage jobs.

Perhaps the increase in service industry minimum wage, the increased cost of new loans, killing off poultry, created fertilizer shortage, unusually high instances of food processing plant fires and etc.

It's the new normal:(
All I can say is it's nuts, and mostly driven by corporate greed. The big guys start, and everyone else just jumps on board. We still go out once or twice a month. Breakfast runs $40-50, and if you have a Bloody Mary, tack on another $12. Dosen't seem all that long ago that a breakfast special was $5, guess I'm just another whining codger. If, or until people just say no, I don't see it changing much, until the big crash comes. Mike
I could comment extensively on the subject but it could get controversial very quickly so I won't. Suffice it to say that raising minimum wages will eventually raise wages all up and down the pay scale. The only losers in the game will be those of us on fixed incomes.
I cook every night for me and my wife just because it is crazy expensive to eat out. Plus most of the time the meal I fix is better than what you can get at a restaurant anyways.