GREENARD #4 restoration and parts manufacturing


Nov 8, 2022
Big Shout out to will.mcray because I couldn't have done this without him. Will was pretty awesome he took the counterweight off his greener number 4 and gave me all of the measurements required including weight so I could build my own.

It didn't take me long to get the all written up in solid works and then transferred over to the G code for my machine. It was just a while before I could get out to the shop what with family stuff and all taking priority.

Once I got out to the shop it was a flurry of cutting. And I'm in a flurry. I cut everything from a quarter inch plate all the way up to inch and a 1/2 plate with the CNC torchbale.

Finally all of the parts were cleaned up with a bit of angle grinding and time during a break in the weather. Then we went onto the sideshop where all the buildings done and we welded all of the layers together in a correct format. And the shape is finally taking.

Finally back out to the grinder station and I clean it all up and then add a skim of bondo just to make sure that it looks amazing when it's sitting in the shop.
