Grinder recommendations for tool sharpening

I was so impressed with the 2x72 belt grinder I built, I designed and made two more and they sold fast to knife makers. They are outstanding for sharpening drill bits, cutting bits and anything you like sharpened.

I just designed a 2x36 portable I can move around and does a great job. I don't have plans for it yet, but it can be built for under 350 bucks and will last a lifetime.


You can build the larger one (2x72) for about 200 bucks more.
IMG_2533 - Copy.JPG
It gets sharp and then with Mickey's advice I hit it with some diamond stones on top but when I part it leaves quite a nipple and I am sure that is due to my poor grinding abilities with my bounding grinding wheel and lack of any tool rest on my grinder.

I am pretty sure that the nipple you are getting when parting is because the tool isn't on center.

@mickri is correct, check the height of the parting too, you want it exactly on centre.

This is the one I recently bought through Amazon. Palmgren 2" x 42" Belt, 6" Disc bench finishing machine.

Did you mean to include a link?
