Grinding Lathe Tools & Tool Holder Induced Back Rake?

All tool grinding angles are respect to the work, nothing else. So depending on how you hold the tool, you have to compensate as needed. Since there are so many holders, with different angles, the only way it could be specified is in relation to the workpiece. No other way.
Thanks to all for the advice!

Yeah, I had looked at an A2Z QCTP for my little Atlas 618 but decided to wait and see if I will keep it prior to getting more stuff for it.

My Heavy 10 came with a real Aloris AXA and some holders, but its not running yet for want of a VFD, and it also lacks a faceplate, 4-jaw indy chuck and collet set, just for starters.

Was thinking that I may even build a QCTP for the A618 after making a milling attachment for the 10L. Got an angle plate and a SBL 9" compound on ebay cheap...
After hand grinding carbide and HSS for more then 60 years in production shops I think that top rake is very important on lite home shop machines. I have a friend with a 11 inch Logan that was cutting some soft steel and I ground him a tool with a very high back rake like almost 45 degrees BACK RAKE and he then cut a .25 deep cut per side on stock that I think was 1 inch dia leadloy. If you look at my avatar I ground all the radius tools by hand on my bench grinder and lathe. So I know to grind tools. The radius tools are well within .005 true radius.
But even though I love high positive back rake I bought a set of carbide insert tools on Amazon for less then 100 bucks with inserts ,set has left and right turning tools and a threading and cut off tools I think about 7 insert tools in all and they work fine.
I don't think it matters at all what size the tool is as long top of tool is on center line.
Once when I was running a production shop I found some huge Carbide insert tools
On sale , they were about 2.5 shank size and I bought a bunch of them for some
Prouduction automatic lathes . The centerline was higher then the centerline of the lathe so I milled the bottom of them too center then drilled bolt holes thru them and replaced the orignal tool holders. The inserts were .312 or .375 thick.
Grind your own HSS, buy lots of tool holders, turn threads like Joe Pie shows (none of that fooling around with 30*.)
Adjust your tool post to whatever fits the need.