Grumpy old men!

Don't worry Brooks, we know that your post was not aimed at us, you made that clear in the beginning, so no worries.

Have a great weekend and a safe and joyous holiday season.
As a part of the solidworks case in point, I want to express the opinion that the dissenting post I responded to was simply a different point of view and not sniping, trolling or other vindictive behavior by that author.

I know I have only been here a short time but I have been honestly surprised at how touchy this forum is. I have been part of a very well run forum ( for 13 years. It is regarded as a friendly and knowledgable forum in the aviation world. The solidworks conversation would not have blinked an eye, even with the liveliness. I want to be clear, VAF moderates per their posted rules which makes things civil but they do allow serious debate.

I was chastized here once and was surprized by it. I quickly made amends because I currently desire the small hobby lathe knowledge and had no wish to get on the wrong side of the moderators.

My opinion (worth what you paid for it <grin>) is that this forum is being overbearingly careful to prevent a repeat of some hard feelings that happened sometime and somewhere in the past. As a noob, I do not know the history that is sometimes mentioned. Details are not important. Only the effects.
The hardest thing to do in any forum is to read and accurately interpret the author's true intent of the written word.

Four people reading the same statement will walk away with four different opinions of what that statement was really trying to say.
I agree Terry. You never know what is going to "upset" someone. It's not easy being a human being. The written word on the internet is subject to a lot of misinterpretation. (One of the down sides to social media, et al). I try to follow the 4 Agreements, one is; "Never Take anything personally."
Probably, the most difficult of the 4.
The following comments are mine and mine alone.
A newcomer can come onto this forum and ask the 'noobist' of questions, and _NOT_ get flamed or ridiculed.
That is not the case elsewhere.
When I first bought my Logan 20 years ago, I went on a forum - posted a question and got raked. I never posted there again.

Everyone, from the top level Class 'A' toolmaker to an operator of a machine tool had to begin somewhere.
As with everything in life noone is born with this knowledge, it is aquired, it is learned, and it is practised.
This forum allows that starting place.