Had to upgrade to a win11 computer, I'm getting errors in reading files

The Windows 11 support community can be a fantastic resource for getting things back on track.
I cannot understand the Microsoft strategy of just shuffling menus and interfaces, apparently just for the heck of it.
I will move to Mac before I’ll ever move to 11.

I completely agree with the stupidity of changing the interface just so the users know they have something different. Completely stupid and infuriating!

OpenShell is a free GUI shell replacement for Windows that allows newer versions of Windows to look and work like older versions of windows. I use the classic 2 column Windows 95 shell and I know exactly where everything is and how to get to it. It even supplies shells for Windows Explorer to make it look and act like an older version if you want.

First thing I do on any new Windows PC is install open shell.
Second, install brave browser
Third, uninstall OneDrive
Forth, uninstall a whole bunch of other needless Microsoft crapware and disable several unneeded services.

I have backups of all my important files in multiple places with journalization enabled so I can get back to previous versions. I use truenas for storage and rsync for multi location backups.

VirtualBox never worked that well for me so I switched to VMWare which is much more configurable and much more stable for my work. It has much more flexibility in configuring the networking and is better at sharing devices across different virtuals.
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I had German, Italian, Austrian and American CNC machines in my shop. All fed from the office server and cad stations. When I retired the new guys bought French software for design that could, sort of, directly feed code to one of the CNC machines. The rest needed an intermediary software.
It was a constant struggle! When COVID hit the French company closed their US offices & support was then in France. Time zones didn't help. Glad I'm no longer dealing with software. I won't even get into the office woman that insisted they change to Apple because it was so much better. None of the existing software would run on a Mac! & yes there are workarounds, sort of.