Happy New Year!


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
Being well advanced in years, I've long given up staying up 'til midnight. That is, until last year. I stayed up, not to ring in the New Year, but to be sure that the old one left. I may do it again this year, just to ensure that there is a "peaceful transfer". In too many ways 2021 has been just as horrendous as 2020 and in some ways worse. The last thing I want is to wake up January 1 and find that 2021 has refused to leave.

Happy New Year to you all! Here's hoping 2022 (can it really be?) is much better than 2021.
I'm hoping for a better 2022 also, not that 2021 was bad for me, but it has just been bad all over the nation for a couple years! All over the world really. So here is to a much improved 2022!! :beer:
HNY to all . I've made some resolutions for the year , hope to achieve at least a few of them .
My son and DIL brought me down 8 of these big boys from Canada for the holidays . Unfortunately , my chemo treatments have taken my beer taste buds for a turn . Another month and these will be history ! For tonight , just taking it easy on here and another site . Not machine related . :)


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