Have no idea what I'm doing, but want to learn!


Hay that looks just like one of my note books ????

Scootered. You have wasted everyone s time on this thread. You came for help and many were willing!
Comments were made regarding you not being honorable in your quest.
You have proved those comments right! A disappointment and all you have done is represent your generation in a bad way ! I have to shake my head on this thread as a complete time waster that your responsible for!

Don't be to harsh , learning how much effort goes into seemingly simple parts is a whole learning curve in itself. And it gets every one exercising their gray matter wondering what it could be also :)

Scootered. You have wasted everyone s time on this thread. You came for help and many were willing!
Comments were made regarding you not being honorable in your quest.
You have proved those comments right! A disappointment and all you have done is represent your generation in a bad way ! I have to shake my head on this thread as a complete time waster that your responsible for!

I disagree.

A young man came here with no clue of how to proceed, many ideas were given by the members here and those ideas gave him the confidence to go ahead and make the parts he needed. Was that not the real objective? Is that not what this site is for? I only wish that @Scootered had followed through with the pics and/or vid of the final parts in action to clear up the mystery. But that is also part of the learning curve, that once you find a solution to your problem that you show off what the final solution was so that others can better learn from your endeavors. I guess with all the talk of patents, it possibly may not be appropriate to post what this is for on a public website. Bu6t I would still like to know what methods he used to create the parts that he needed, even if we can not find out what they are used for.
Scootered. You have wasted everyone s time on this thread. You came for help and many were willing!
Comments were made regarding you not being honorable in your quest.
You have proved those comments right! A disappointment and all you have done is represent your generation in a bad way ! I have to shake my head on this thread as a complete time waster that your responsible for!

I also disagree.

@Scootered didn't know the brick-wall of a learning curve he faced with his first project in metal.
He got very discouraged (and maybe a little short) along the way thinking his way was correct, but then a light went on.
He suddenly realized he was not right and he apologized for his attitude.
Both of those can be real tough things for a young man.

Sure, I am a little disappointed to see no follow-up with his results.
But I still find this thread very useful for the ways all these different brains approached the problem.
Especially with the lack of end-use and other variables.

Please don't make this site look too critical of newbies.......we were all there once.

If you read back he did apologize for his attitude and ignorance once the light bulb went on and he saw and finally understood just how wrong his thinking was. That in it's self is a step in the right direction.
A long while back, I was lucky to find this site. It's a place of ladies and gentlemen, a gem in a rough in the wild wide web.

Scanning throw this, it shows how the very highly respected people here put up to try to help this person, even with very odd and raw languages he used.

Too bad, it maybe an indication of his hard life ahead with that aproach in life.
Don t be too harsh! Your kidding me right! Harsh about what? Someone came here for help or asked for it and we stepped up. He clearly stated he was hoping to go to a shop and hopefully they would be sitting around talking and they d help him get it done. He had more than enough oppportunity to actually learn more than just fumble around and get his project done. No courtesy what so ever with him never responding.
I guess I am quite different and expect the younger generation to be accountable and have some honor with what they say.
This sounds like the education system of today worried about upsetting little Johnny. It s ok little Johnny your word doesn t have to mean anything and your entitled aren t you little Johnny.
Why would a 15 year old need to learn calculus? No wonder he's got an attitude
Instead of giving a man a fish, give him a highly regarded reference book on fishing. If he won't read, he'll starve.

People just aren't as curious about learning the way things are done in the age of smartphones and American Idol pageants. I'm very hesitant to help someone out in my shop these days because the entertainment isn't new and constant.. If you're not inspired by the process, then just take your idea to a job shop and open up your checkbook.
I think it is time to issue a warning to a few of the members here. WE DON'T FLAME OTHER MEMBERS. PERIOD. There are at least 3 members that need to PM the OP with a sincere apology.

- if you don't like a thread or the OP of a thread, then stop reading it. Shunning is a fine way to deal with things, and people with more patience can take over.

One of the members that I'm hinting at will be issued a last warning this week for violations of this kind in several threads. I would hope the others will take this warning to heart before further action is required. I want those concerned to take this as an official warning.