Having Fun With A Ford Product

racecar builder

Dec 19, 2011

have a couple questions about a late model one.

let me know when you're ready!

Have A Nice Day!
hot rodders

i'm ready to check spark plugs on this Ford 4.6

the fuel rail looks like it's in way of lifting

up mini coil.

what's the solution here?

Have A Nice Day!
Whats in the way, remove. The 4.6 ford is well known for the spark plug problems,,google it up.


there isn't the aluminum head made that'll even phase me!

you're riding with the king now!

spark plugs in aluminum heads is kid's stuff.

Have A Nice Day!
The 5.4 is the engine with the REAL spark plug issues. They are known to break off (the hex breaks off the threads....kinds...there is a long nose below the threads that pokes into the cylinder...so you get the hex and threads or just the hex) about 50% of the time if they arent changed at 40-50K miles. Often the center will just blow out driving down the road too...so if you hear a Ford 5.4 with a "pop,pop,pop" like someone left a plug out...well ;)Anti-sieze doesnt seem to help much....and doesn't look like the factory used any anyway :)

Its common enough that there are several removal kits on the market specifically for the 5.4. The later 3-valve engine seems to not be as bad. Once you've used the kit a few times its not too bad, but the first time 5 out of 8 plugs snap off right above the threads or tip it can be a real bad day! Not one of those vehicles you want to offer to help your buddy/neighbor swap plugs in to be the hero, lol

If you have a 5.4 with more than 80K that has factory plugs think real hard about just reunning the originals until they totally poop out. 75% of the time a miss is the coil on plug coil anyway....Those, you might as well do all 8 when one goes unless you want it to be a every other weekend deal as the others will soon follow,lol. Todd
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i think anyone with a 5.4 ought to start

remedying the situation now.

it's pretty much a corrosion issue and

leaving them in LONGER is not really a step

in the right direction.

Have A Nice Day!
As a Auto tech for a living for 24 years, I'd agree that everyone should go have their spark plugs changed ASAP! LOL As a consumer, If I had over 80,000 miles on a 5.4 and knew it was really likely(75% chance) changing spark plugs that aren't causing a problem right now and likely won't for as long as I own the vehicle will turn into a $1000+ repair bill...I'd leave them in!:) Its no more expensive to get new plugs in when they ARE causing a problem, and honestly a lot of late model plugs will outlast the rest of the car.

It is a corrosion and combustion deposit problem, but if you havent done this repair don't believe it is the same problem all aluminum heads have always had. If you know of a remendy to remove unchanged 80,000 mile plugs in a 5.4 you could get rich off of it I promise! Read through the Ford procedures and see all they have tried! If my 5.4 had 30-50k on it I'd think about changing them soon and keeping on a 40-ish thousand mile schedule.

My specialty is Automatic transmissions....If you havent ever heard of immediate failure from changing fluid in a unit with extremely burnt fluid I can tell you it is VERY common. Most Trans shops drain fluid into a clean container and if it looks really bad inside they will make you sign a waiver to add fresh fluid.....you either rebuild the thing or put the old oil back in and cross your fingers...More often than not it will go further on the old oil than detergent rich fresh ATF...sometimes another 50K miles before failure. Very similar situation here.


Will all due respect unless you have done some of these plug fishing jobs on a 5.4 I feel you are giving poor advice for people to try to change overdue plugs that arent causing a problem. It is NOT the same as a 4.6! Either maintain them very early or let it be if you've went way over. If you have personally done some of these 5.4 I guess we just disagree...If you're comparing it to other aluminum head engines research this specific issue a bit and I think you'll agree with me. Have Fun! Todd

if you say where you are.

some of our forum members with 5.4's can stop by.

your offering to get those plugs out and put in new Champions

for a 36 pack of beer from Walmart keerect?

what kind of beer?:)

do we supply the plugs?

Have A Nice Day!
Whats in the way, remove. The 4.6 ford is well known for the spark plug problems,,google it up.


My error, yes it is the 5.4 with a long history of horror show troubles with spark plugs.

Riding with the king, & childs play?
You know doubt dont turn wrenches for a living, if you have for any length of time,
you wouldnt have posted that statement. One day you might truely come across one of those horror show jobs, and trust me, you will wish you were never born. ;)

Experiance teaches us hard lessons in life

Paul :)
Lol...Where have you ever seen a 36 pack?...Champion does have(they claim) a bit better designed plug for this app...otherwise I'd ask you why in the world you would fit a Champion to anything but a H-D or a MOPAR lol :) . I'm in Minnesota, but unfortunately I'm a weenie and will just stick with standing at a bench building transmissions over doing anymore 5.4 plug retrievals as long as my docket stays full, I honestly turn them away if they are over 50/60K now...or sell the job as a likely cylinder head removal from the start. When I was younger I was out to prove something....Now I'm out to earn a living and not come home with heartburn.I don't do "Race Cars" at the shop anymore either.:p P.S. If I was coming on to ask a question on how to slide a fuel rail out of the way I'd research before trying to tell people I was "The King" Todd