Resolved Help deleting account. Thanks.

  • Thread starter Former Member - WoodNDust
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Former Member - WoodNDust

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I created this account but do not use it. Is there a way to delete this account? I searched around but didn't find anything. Some forums have an option to delete within the profile. Perhaps it's there but I missed it. Other forums/sites act more like Facebook, etc.

I would appreciate some help.

I created this account but do not use it. Is there a way to delete this account? I searched around but didn't find anything. Some forums have an option to delete within the profile. Perhaps it's there but I missed it. Other forums/sites act more like Facebook, etc.

I would appreciate some help.

Yes, there is a process here when somebody requests to delete an account. Here is how it works:

1) Your account is disabled as it relates to accessing the site. Nobody will be able to use it again.
2) Your personal information is deleted from the servers.
3) Your content, however, meaning your posts and questions like this one, will remain up on the site. People will still be able to view this thread as long as the site is up. This will send a note about your account status indicating that you are no longer a member.

I'll take care of this shortly.
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Yes, there is a process here when somebody requests to delete an account. Here is how it works:

1) Your account is disabled as it relates to accessing the site. Nobody will be able to use it again.
2) Your personal information is deleted from the servers.
3) Your content, however, meaning your posts and questions like this one, will remain up on the site. People will still be able to view this thread as long as the site is up. This will send a note about your account status indicating that you are no longer a member.

I'll take care of this shortly.
And sorry to see you go!
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Yes, there is a process here when somebody requests to delete an account. Here is how it works:

1) Your account is disabled as it relates to accessing the site. Nobody will be able to use it again.
2) Your personal information is deleted from the servers.
3) Your content, however, meaning your posts and questions like this one, will remain up on the site. People will still be able to view this thread as long as the site is up. This will send a note about your account status indicating that you are no longer a member.

I'll take care of this shortly.
I would like to delete my account as well. Can you help me with that?
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I started to suggest that Bryan explain the reason for his third point but as I know the answer, why waste his time?

The reason that usually we do not delete all posts and/or threads that someone has made if they later requested that their account be deleted is two-fold. (1) It could be quite time consuming, given that the code to track down and delete each and every post that an individual has made has not AFAIK been written. (2) In order to maintain thread continuity/meaning. Note that Point (2) may not apply if Staff has decided that a post or posts should never have been written in the first place.

And I will add that if you really wish to leave no way for anyone to figure out who might have written using your User ID, before requesting account deletion, go to your account and change your signature/User ID to to something that cannot ID you. I would suggest 6 to 8 random characters that do not spell anything.
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