Resolved Help for Fat Fingers and Fading Eyesight (Spellcheck issue)

I am somewhat relieved to see it is not just me. Not that I am happy to see others suffering with the problem,

Unlike a lot of people using social media who apparently don't care if spelling is correct, I do. I believe that using correct spelling increases the ability to communicate effectively. To that end, I make a conscientious effort to do so and spell check is a useful tool. Unfortunately, with the new software either the entire paragraph is underlined or misspellings are ignored. It doesn't help matters that my eyesight isn't what it used to be It is aggravating to say the least to post a reply and see a spelling error.

BTW, there are times when the spell check function appear to work properly. I haven't yet worked out a pattern though.
I agree that proper spelling or more to the point, not making the same obvious error multiple times in every post that you write is important.

What I find with the spell checker is that it seldom misses anything but if it flashes your just-typed word red when you hit the space bar or type a period, fix it then. Not when you finish, as it quite often turns off the red after a little more typing. I agree that it shouldn't. But by following that rule, you can live with it.

I've no idea when it might get fixed.
I'm like you RJ I'm picky about spelling too. I don't like using spell checkers though.
spell checkers are ok if they can use the correct way of spelling, ie. real English.:laughing:
Yes, but although you can blame some things on the current spell checker version, if it flags a word unnecessarily or gives the wrong correction for a misspelled word, that's ultimately your fault, not the spell checker's. The dictionary that it uses is stored somewhere in your browser, not on this server. Otherwise, the Add Word button would be an open invitation to sabotage.
none of my mis-sppelins

none of my mis-sppelins


I don't know what to tell you. The first line above I copied out of you previous message directly into this one. The second line I copied into a .TXT file that I had created in D:\Temp. I saved the .TXT file, reopened it, highlighted the text again, did ^C and then ^V to paste it into this reply. In both lines, "mis-sppelins" is underlined in red from the spelling checker. I'm running Win 10 and using Firefox.

I also can't figure out a pattern to this.
Here's what shows on the screen when I hit 'Reply' to wa5cab's post above:

The <CTRL><A> trick isn't working anymore.
It isn't until I drag the pointer across the message & highlight everything that the mis-spells show up:

Head scratching for sure...
I didn't realise the dictionary was in Firefox.
aluminium aluminum. Ah, that's better now I can rite Inglis like wot she is speaked.
Hind-sight sometimes being 20:20, in retrospect it's almost a head slap DUUH! But I didn't know that it was in the user's browser and not on the site either, until about a year ago.