Hey everyone up in Vacaville / Bay area / LA area

Richard King 2

Master Machine Tool Rebuilder & Instructor
Former Member
Feb 1, 2018
Hi. I had a fellow call me today named Phillip who lives down near LA and he was given a Bridgeport Mill. He wants to rebuild the ways. He said he got a quote from that grinding company between LA and you guys...I for got their name and they quoted 1200.00 to grind 3 pieces he said...I am assuming the table, saddle, and top of knee. That seems pretty good deal to me. He said he reads this forum. I suggested he chat with you guys (kids) and maybe drive up some weekend and meet at one of your monthly get together's. I told him buying scraping tools for 1 machine is not practical....he brought up a skillzaw power scraper...I told him NO comment...lol

Anyway if your feeling charitable help him out please..

We have suspended having meetings until the virus situation is more or less resolved, that does not seem likely to happen in the forseeable future.
Ok I will tell him....Stay Safe :) I'm headed to Oklahoma again to do some rebuilding for a couple of weeks...masks required..
I have not had it and don't plan on GETTING IT!!! People can be chicken little the rest of their lives, but unlike some I need to pay bills.

I am not going to do anything DANGEROUS!! I was asking the group to help this guy... "asking" not ordering....

I worked in Oklahoma for 3 weeks in July and I didn't get it. The company I worked for never closed but they had all the employee's and their families take the test. I had been sitting at home for 2 months. I also just completed a class in Olympia Washington, , no one got it. If people follow the rules...wash hands...wear mask, no hugs,,,,lol,,,etc. in my opinion and others who attended won't get it. To each his her own. I have another class in October, those students aren't afraid as we plan on following the rules. I will be doing another one in Burbank CA in November. I figure I would have a better chance of getting mugged down there then catch anything. Or walk into a riot. That class will happen unless the CA governor closes down the state.
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Not many of you tough ones left, Rich! I have only heard of one person who I know who has had it, he is over 90 years old and in poor physical condition, he caught it from one of his caregivers, he has recovered; around here, it seems, as elsewhere that Hispanics are a high percentage of the cases, few of them seem to appreciate taking precautions, and may live in situations with lots of other folks
For sure! No sun here --- not smoky at ground level 'tho and the weather folks seem to think the smoke will go away soon, at least for now --- At least, no tornadoes or hurricanes with tidal surges!
I need one more student to attend the BURBANK CA Class we now have 5 and the Host. We will require everyone wear a Mask, take temp every morning, follow all rules of protection for the Virus. Everyone will be asked the same questions you are asked at the DR office and sign a form guaranteeing that. Note we did a class in Olympia WA back in August and we followed the rules and no one got sick.
The class is November 14 - 18. I flew from Minneapolis to Seatlle, wore a mask from the step into the MSP airport until the step off the airport in Seattle. I will do the same protocol for this trip and class. No experience is needed to learn to scrape machines, just be mechanically inclined and able to read a micrometer and dial indicator. I can supply all the tools.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY We now have 5 --- so I will teach the class..... Still have room for a few more.... Thanks