Hobby machinist - Definition


Active User
Sep 2, 2013
Wasn't sure where to put this.

Hobby machinist - Definition :

Noun - pronounced: metal-artist

A person (usually a male) who uses very expensive machinery to create billions of small, razor sharp shards of metal, and then attempts to keep said chips out of the living quarters of the home where they will inevitably wind up imbedded in his wife's feet, or in her laundry.

Have a great day. :)
Must confess guys, Looking at the two posts, They are both correct 1st post metal shards unavoidable hazard to the wife type person, cause of great marital disharmony, this malaise can last for 51 years

Second post on the most excellent material beer
Beer --very important for dreaming sessions on possible/impossible projects, also projects never completed, MORE BEER! for soothing sore head from wife person moaning about things not being completed for her AGAIN MORE BEER!! useful when bragging, to others like minded, or guys who will no doubt wish you would just go away AGAIN ANOTHER SLAB OF BEER!!! to gain inspiration to proceed on projects, And devise weasel like ways of obtaining more cash for workshop.(This is the excuse department)

General character of home shop machinists from really rough bodgers through to total perfectionists Type of Homo Sapiens missed by Sigmund Fraud & Alfred Adler Psychiatrists par excellence!