holy crap!

The bottom line is we happen to be the type of beings that don't take life or our health for granted.
I'm gonna stop now and go make myself a PJ sandwich.:courage:
My wife and I have been married almost 5 years. My god she drives me nuts more often than not

I've been married 40 years. Before I retired it had been 36. A couple of younger guys asked how I did it. I just told them that the first 20 years are the hardest. After that we had argued about pretty much everything so we were all set.
While the forum was down I thought that it would be a good time to see if she felt like it.
Using all the smoothness that comes with being 48 years together I said that I had given the butler the night off so that we could be alone tonight. She huffed and said we need a house cleaner not a butler.
Good thing I had a project waiting on the lathe.
lol. you guys get mad at me when I call you old. Then we get jokes like that.
You old timers are often an inspiration. My wife and I have been married almost 5 years. My god she drives me nuts more often than not... but she's alright. The kids alright too. He's only 10 months tho, so he's not a terror yet.
The wifey doesn't understand hobbies. She thinks they're a waste of money... she likes to sit and read. And the library is free. If she knew half the money I spend on this hobby, I'd be a dead man!

Why do you think some of us don't use our real name here?