Home Shop Comfort tips


Aug 30, 2011
Lets compile a thread of "comfort tips"

This is a spin off from the direction Reccymech's welcome thread headed.

Clothing, lifestyle, techniques, etc.

Keep it light and don't forget, happy wife = happy life :p

- Welding -

Pants over shoes not shoes in pants, or you do funny dances.
the same goes for your shirt. But the dance is completely different.

Wear a cap with a welding mask or use a hooded mask when welding overhead.
hair loss is quite rapid without one or the other (provided there is hair to be lost, if there isn't. Chicks dig scars:p)

Wash the black off your hands outside, in the shed (when fitted with a sink) or in the laudry and don't use good linen to dry your hands because "it was there" or "it's going in the wash anyway" These excuses don't work. I have a tendancy to miss between my fingers on the first wash only to find the white linen that was waiting to be loaded into the washing machine not so white anymore.

- Machining -

Wear an apron when machining. Swarf and chips love to stick to clothes and embed themselves into that nice couch only to come out when the other half sits down.

Have dedicated shoes/boots for the shed. Again, swarf and chips embed themselves into the sole until carpet is present. They then enter the carpet and hide until the other half is
1- barefoot
2- vacuuming
3- looking for something to get angry about
4- just getting in a good mood after finding black marks on the new linen.

I'm sure there's more and you can see the direction I'd like the thread to go.
Being Hobbiests, a majority of us have the machines within a rolling pins throw from the kitchen.
Some say my partner should've played softball/baseball.

Sometimes I agree........

Have fun! :biggrin:


(hope i haven't offended any female members here, definitely not my intention! :)))
Another one.

I was thinking of the rolling pin.....

Have a clock, two, or three, as many as it takes really within eyesight.
When you say you'll be inside at a set time to watch that movie......... return on time.

Or the rolling pin flies:D

Alternatively, have the clock in the shed forward one hour. you'll then have half a chance of being on time!
Good call on having a clock. That should probably be my next investment as it would save a lot of wear and tear on me (or bruises and lumps :biggrin:).

All my kids and grandkids knew the word swarf before any other kids in school, because I brought it into the house and my wife went off about it.
I still remember them coming home after class and saying the teacher asked if anybody knew what the word swarf meant, and they where surprised the other kids never knew.
So it's educational, thats my story and I remind my wife of this, LOL


You have been talking to my better half, haven't you? :huh:
You have hit every issue squarely on the head my friend.

i put a television in the garage over the summer, I should have done it 10yrs ago, there is an old movie channel i get on Free air television that i enjoy watching.. i need to hook the tv inside the house on the antennae so i can watch it inside.. satellite television seems to be sucking more and more every day..

have good clean heat, and a/c (if you need too have a/c) or air circulating in the shop.

keep floors clean, try to keep the garage clean and straight.. have clean space to walk around in the shop.. keep workbench straight and clean..

wear safety glasses..

have good lighting.

have a few comfortable chairs for thinking platforms, break time and friends.