How can one insert a taper into a tapered socket until it fits?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
I'm thinking of using a2+ to assemble a male taper into a female socket. The two cases of interest would if the tapers match, or if they don't. How would one constrain the system? I want to insert the taper until there is interference or a perfect fit.
Axis coincident, and ?

If you need a model, it will take a little bit. I have the bodies all in the same file, and need to split them into separate files.
Shot in the dark:
Reference planes tangent to opposing sides of the tapers on each.
Then constrain those reference planes to be coincidental.
Shot in the dark:
Reference planes tangent to opposing sides of the tapers on each.
Then constrain those reference planes to be coincidental.
Hmm, don't know how to do that just yet, but that's a good step. I could see how it would work if the tapers matched. If the tapers don't match, the planes (they aren't planes, they are curved surfaces!) can't be coincidental, right?

How would one create the reference planes? Would they be like datum planes? I'll play with this some. Seems like a good puzzle.