How to explain what we are?

Wow, this thread is simply amazing in that some are being critical of what others learned in school, yet they themselves don't know the proper use of "their vs there" or "your vs you're".

Crap! I must have missed the required syntax and spelling test that we had to take when we joined the forum!

Really though, is the proper usage of "their vs there" and "your vs you're" really that relevant for this discussion?

While I understand that a well balanced education is extremely valuable, I find that being able to differentiate between "your and you're", while super-duper impressive at parties, isn't that important when I'm drawing up a sketch for a part.

I've known some folks who couldn't spell words past five letters that were capable of machining up amazingly elaborate parts and had a far superior knowledge of math than I possess.

Anywho, as for the original question, I've never once been able to explain to a person what a metal lathe is. I usually just say, "You know what a unicorn is? Well just imagine that, but more of a metal version."