how to post pictures as thumbnails?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2016
What is the correct way to post multiple pictures so they display as thumbnails.
I see some have the size etc. specs right next to the pic.

When I posted pics in "welding and casting" 'Tacks cracking" they came out bigger than I expected and no size info. I did select "display all as thumbnails'

No problem, but if there were very many, seems like it would take up lots of space.

I'd just like to do it right for the forum and easy reading and looking for all.

Hi Aaron,

I thought you'd have a few responses by now.......then I realized why you don't.......apparently no one can reply to a thread with the word "posting" in the title.....I asked a moderator to rename this thread (Thanks @JimDawson !)

Some folks prefer one way due to slow internet connections, etc. but I'm not sure there are real hard rules for it.

Whenever I want to upload a number of pictures in a post I use the upload button to add the list of pictures below my post.
Usually I want to control the order they get posted in so I place the cursor in the post, select the picture I want at that location and then hit the "thumbnail" button beside that picture.

If I don't care about the order, then I just hit the "Thumbnail" button under "Insert every image as a...."

If I'm only posting one picture, I may do it as a "Full Image" instead.

I do not recall seeing the size info displayed beside the picture, but that may change with "viewer"; I'm using the firefox browser on a win7 PC.

Your "Tacks cracking" post looked great from here!


By the way, there is a "Post Practice Forum" here:
if you ever want to try some things, post them and view them before starting a real thread.
That forum is visible to all, but I don't think anyone really looks too close.
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Thanks brino
No problem, but if there were very many, seems like it would take up lots of space.

The size of the picture file defines how much data is consumed on the forum server. Hence the size within a post does not change the amount of "space" consumed since the post contains a link to the file.

The nuance is how long the post takes to load. If the picture is full size, the full file is read by the software then displayed. For some folks this may take longer depending on their connection speed.

If the picture is added as thumbnail, then a small amount of data is read so the post may load faster. The downside is that a reader has to click on the item to see full size.