How to Prevent Glasses from Fogging?

Chips O'Toole

H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jun 15, 2017
I want to order safety glasses, and I am cheap. What's the best way to keep glasses without anti-fog coating from fogging?
My safety glasses have never fogged up on me. Oh wait, they're anti-fog. :)

But they weren't expensive & I didn't specifically buy them because they were anti-fog. Or maybe I just never have fogging up issues here?

Search "anti fog diy". There are various formulas on how to make a diy spray. IPA mixed with dish soap is a popular one. Never tried it myself though, never had a need.

I'm sure you know but you can buy anti fog spray. Stuff is way overpriced IMO though. But Rain-X used to sell anti fog spray for car windows & it's much cheaper. Not sure if they still sell it. Used to see it at local auto parts stores. Maybe they still do, I just never noticed. No idea if it works well on glasses.
Going in and out of the work building mine fog up alot . Going from 20 to 90 and visa versa I guess . My regular glasses have the auto darkening lenses which is also a pita when entering a building and can't see a darn thing .
Well If you gettig paid by the hour, let em fog up! But if you getting paid by the job, then yeah anti fog.
LOL Will , I'm with you . I may have 3 weeks left at this point . The walking around the plant kills my legs and feet these days . :(
The walking around the plant kills my legs and feet these days . :(
Awe man, sorry to hear that, hope you recover quick.

At my old job before they moved me to salary, I had a bad leg too. But it always got better the second I got home. ;)

Joking aside, I'm not the type to slack if someone is paying me. I feel ya, I've had tendonitis in my left shoulder & my right elbow since February. I feel useless. :(