How to shut up complainers

Marco Bernardini

Active User
Dec 17, 2012
Tired of hearing the famous phrase «You're using a $4000 machine to make $10 parts!»?
Explain them there is people buying a reel like this (which also requires a $20,000 boat!) to get $5 worth of fish…
BTW, I think a good machinist wouldn't find too difficult to make such a reel for a lot less.
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Tired of hearing the famous phrase «You're using a $4000 machine to make $10 parts!»?
Explain them there is people buying a reel like this (which also requires a $20,000 boat!) to get $5 worth of fish…
BTW, I think a good machinist wouldn't find too difficult to make such a reel for a lot less.

You know what really ticks me off? The people who live in $100,000+ homes! Back in my day, a hut made out of sticks and wattle was good enough. These days people want everything handed to them, on a silver plate no less. Don't get me started on grocery stores. Why when I was a boy, we rolled over a rotten log and plucked out a handful of grubs if we got hungry. And now everyone wants medical care! What's wrong with wrapping a sucking chest wound with a bit of filthy cloth like the good lord intended? If the sight of a little oozing pus is too much for you, then go back to hiding under your mother's skirts (or fur leggings) is what I say.

There's just no pleasing some folks.

A house less than 100,000...a shoebox?
What???? YOU had sticks?????

Ever since the advent of the flush toilet, I never understood the need for kitchen and bathroom sinks... Sheesh, everybody needs to be so fancy these days... :)

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down at the mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt :lmao:

Monty Python anyone?

I don't get people commenting on my machining hobby. That's because I never pretend it is more than it is. If you tell people it is a side job or justify it as a money saver, then most times you are kidding yourself. The beauty of it being a hobby is that it costs money and time by its very definition. A hobby needs no justification to anyone (except maybe your wife).

I hear it all the time from co-workers, friends and family. They can't believe I have so much tied up in tools just to do more work and buy more tools.

I simply tell them that if I had to explain, they wouldn't understand it anyway and leave it at that.

Who is complaining about the cost if your equipment?

Btw, the people who use the reel you showed are probably riding in million dollar boats. And are catching fish that are worth big money as well.


Who is complaining about the cost if your equipment?

Btw, the people who use the reel you showed are probably riding in million dollar boats. And are catching fish that are worth big money as well.

I leave to the readers the calculation of how many lbs of metal are required to can that tuna, and how many BTU are required to boil it :biggrin:
But even this one is not a bad catch:


(Full Daily Mail article here)
