If Anyone Has Been Calling Us And Couldn't Get Through Both Precision Matthews / Quality Machine To


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Mar 22, 2013
Hey guys, appears that we have been having trouble on occasion over the past month with people getting through to us, they said that they would call and Instead of getting us, it just went to voicemail. Well this is the problem, phone company says it's ok. I'm going to rewire this today and tomorrow, so hope this doesn't happen again. We don't own the box, the phone company does, but the last guy here saw this and said this is ok. This is ridiculous. But I'm sorry If we missed anyone!


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Have someone coming out again from the phone company tomorrow, so I will see what happens here, But I can not believe they would let this go, and think its OK to just keep repairing it.
What a rats nest :confused: I'm surprised it works at all.
Oh, that could be made to work, no doubt about that. I have seen much worse that worked flawlessly. I simply object to the lack of professionalism and the atrocious work ethics and housekeeping practice. I know that the TelCo standards don't allow that, and when you are in training if you did that you'd never get the job. I have had to go in and troubleshoot worse looking stuff than that and it sure doesn't help when the guy(s) before you leaves it in such a mess, regardless if it worked when he left.

Matt, is that a rental building or do you own it? If I were near, I'd come iron it out. Would take half a day to do right. No more than that.
Matt, escalate and dominate! I'd be on the horn politely complaining to a manager or VP. That's just unacceptable. That wouldn't fly around here.
Yeah, still waiting on them, 2 days later. It is Verizon, They had it scheduled between 11-2 yesterday, never showed. I called them around 4 to see whats going on, they said they were too busy to come out yesterday, so the service ticket wasn't even assigned to a technician or something, said someone would be out today, and still waiting on them today. But its raining pretty hard today.

I managed to fix it myself yesterday and get at least a few of our main phone lines working, but its just ridiculous that we have to deal with something like this. Who knows how much business we have lost from this, I've had a few people that I have talked to over the last few months tell me that they tried to call and it just rang and rang and went to a voicemail message, but I had no record of them calling on any of the missed calls. But now this explains it, the main line wires were corroded and finally broke the connection. I've had static, just found out no phone sometimes, and all sorts of problems for some time now, and I finally figured out what it is. A bunch of corroded and broken wires.

I've called and asked for higher ups, and asked for an email address so I could send it to someone so they can see what we are dealing with here, and no luck. They told me they dont have an email to give out and there was no one else to talk to.

They will hear about it, thats for sure. I give everyone a change, but when it comes to this, this is absolute garbage.

We just lease the building, but we have most of the building taken up, I don't even think the few other places in here even have hard line phone service.

I know one thing, we are growing, a lot, but things like this teach me to never have 15 minutes of B.S. to go through before you can even get a live person on the phone. I personally might not always be available, but when people call, it always goes to someone here, in our building, after pushing just one button. (And I only have that to try to weed out the B.S. telemarketers, which we get a ton of)

I am going to start looking in to something other than Verizon after this, to be without a phone for that long, plus all the B.S. over who knows how long with missed calls and problems, I am done with them.
I am going to start looking in to something other than Verizon after this, to be without a phone for that long, plus all the B.S. over who knows how long with missed calls and problems, I am done with them.

That is just crap customer service. If any of us ran our businesses that way we would be out of business in short order.

If you have a solid Internet connection there, an Internet phone system would be my choice. I have been using Vonage for a number of years with good success, better than 99.9% up time. There are a number of other Internet phone providers. The downside is that on a power fail you lose the phone system, but that could be battery backed up if it is critical.
To me it sounds like they are treating you like a residential customer. Make sure you are listed as commercial. Here, they have a 2 hour max response time for commercial accounts. Well, we don't have Verizon, but they should have a similar arrangement. And as far as no higher ups......baloney. You should always be able to escalate a trouble call.