If you don’t have a granddaughter, you should get one!

I didn't have any offspring until I married a widow. I got two daughters, two grand-daughters, and a grandson in the "package deal." Since then, I have added a son and a daughter (twins), a grand-daughter, two grandsons, and a great-grandson. The first three grandkids are 6, 4, and 2 years older than my twins, and the rest string out from there. My kids run right in the middle of the pack.

The 6-year-old grand-daughter stood up in first grade "show-and-tell" and stated "my uncle has four teeth and poops his pants."

My kids just turned 23, and they are treated as equals by their two older sisters, plus they are treated as equals by the younger generation that they grew up with! They seem to have no ill effects from having older parents who were also grandparents. It is all very unusual, but we are a very happy family.
2 granddaughters and 1 grandson who live 4hrs away. And 1 grandson who lives about 4 minutes away. They are all a lot of fun.
My wife and I get to keep (or be kept by) the youngest who lives close while Mom works. At 4 yrs, he keeps us both busy.
By the way, do any of you guys have trouble with Bigfoot? We hunt that dude every day but just can’t seem to find him.

My granddaughter turned four on Pearl Harbor day. I can see the commonality in events when she destroys the order of a room in mere minutes, but she is so cute doing it. Don't get to see her as often as I like, as she's three hrs away. Mike

One of her baby pics.