Is it supposed to look like this?


Active User
Jun 10, 2013
Your standard 4 x 6 Klutch bandsaw, it will get a good looking-over before it runs. The fixed jaw (that can pivot) is not square - do they do this on purpose or is it to account for some "flex" ? The moveable jaw is good (90 deg).


By design or not, they all are like that.
Wow, that’s way off.
Like so many of these off shore machines, we need to go through them and make them work properly.
I bought a Jet 712. I really like it but they cost over $1,500.
I had a HF saw years ago. It worked fine after some mods.
Removed, sorry, I misunderstood the issue.
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These discrepancies seem unimportant to me. I don’t expect accuracy from my low priced bandsaw (Central Tool). I expect approximate. Then I get my accuracy on the lathe or mill. I just want to remove the major portion of material before machining. More expensive saws can do better, I’m sure.

We adjusted ours but the cut still not great.

We cut a bit extra then use mill to square the part.

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