Is this Mitutoyo authentic?

Impossible to tell from that view. At the price it's risky, but not impossible. The cal stickers mean nothing. The electronics inside are the key indicators... use it and enjoy it.
If the battery consumption is high, it's probably not real. A real Mit has great battery life. My DigiMatic's battery keeps going and going. One thing though, with these high accuracy mic's, zero them for every critical use. Changes in temperature affect the zero. Much more so than a mechanical 0.0001" mic. At least that's my experience. I have no expectations that zero would be maintained over 24 hours, with the DigiMatic.

Think James Clough had a video on counterfeit Mitutoyo's. Was quite an interesting watch. Don't remember if he did mic's or not, maybe he only did calipers. Lots of subtle differences.
Take a photo with the battery out and cover off after inserting battery dues it go directly to zero or goes into self test? I think this one is real.
At 40$ who is to complain? Great score!! You potentially saved 300$! even if it is not authentic, if it works, why argue? A clone is prolly priced at more than double that.

gift horse, mouth, etc?