Jacktown show Oct 21-22 2023 (hit and miss, steam, old timey, flea market)

I like this because of the cooler weather, July was ridiculously hot and humid, with storms making the humidity unbearable this year.
I love Jacktown, been going for over 20yrs.

The steam sheds looking really full now, I remember when there were only 2-3 engines in there.
I met Al @Alcap at Jacktown, checked out his David Bradley saw.
Jacktown was very light Saturday, both in vendors and attendance. I think the rain forecast put a damper on things. It was a perfect day though. Barb , Rex and I enjoyed the comfortable temps and really nice day.
Hope some of you got a chance to take it in.

Al with his saw...

I missed it.

Remembered Saturday afternoon, but by then it was too late for sat and I had plans for Sunday.

How was the flea market?