Jator lathe


Aug 10, 2021
I have a chance to buy a Jator 35 turret lathe , price is right , lathe looks like new , but I can't find one bit of information on the web about this make , can anyone help me ?
Hi @vernlee

First......................................Welcome to the group!

I have never heard of that make before.
I can only find one single reference on lathes.co.uk that suggests it was made in Spain.
I found absolutely nothing at VintageMachinery, either.

I cannot give direct advice or experience with that make, however, I do have a couple comments......

Can you post a picture of this lathe so we can see what you're deciding on?

Some true turret lathes do NOT have a tailstock. That can very much limit the type of work you can do with it.
No "between centres" turning, no tailstock support for heavy cuts or for operations like knurling.

Does this lathe have carriage feed thru a lead-screw?
If not, then single point threading, and automatic feed are not available either.

Just be sure that this lathe can do the operations that you need it to.

okay I did find one youtube video that shows a Jator J-145-32 turret lathe:

....and that shows it with automatic feed on both the carriage and the turret.

That looks like a very specialized type of machine for repetitive production work, rather than a more general purpose engine lathe
If the machine you're interested in is similar to the one in the vid posted by Brino,
then mark has it right: too specialized a production machine to be useful in a
hobby setting.

By the way, welcome to the group!
Thanks for the reply's , I think you guys are right , I don't think it would make me a very good home garage lathe , finding parts or attachments for this would be a nightmare , I'm looking at a LaBlond to buy now , a little bigger then what I want or need but Better to have it and not need it I guess. thanks again.
I'm looking at a LaBlond to buy now , a little bigger then what I want or need but Better to have it and not need it I guess. thanks again.

Those are great machines!
I think you'd be very happy with it, as long as it's not too worn.
