Lagun Ft-2

Going to go check it out tomorrow. Have to put in a new sink/disposal/faucet today. :(

Have mixed feelings on this. Talked to Matt and he has some 935TVs arriving in about 8 weeks or so. This mill, space-wise, is about ideal for a tinkerer like me. But by the time I add single phase, add a 3-axis DRO, and have it shipped I'm looking at around $8k.

The same configuration for the Lagun, delivered/set up in my garage would be about $2k less. For a whole bunch more machine. But do I need a mill this large? (a friend here once said "what does NEED have to do with anything?") Also, I worry about getting this horse down to Tucson in a few years, but the owner of the Lagun told me he just bought a larger(?) mill and had it shipped from Jersey for about $1600 which isn't too bad. Worst case scenario would be I have to leave it here and sell it before the move.

Similar to this one except the motor is different/smaller/older?


Decisions, decisions.
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Ain't no such thing as a mill that's too rigid (heavy)

And NEED has nothing to do with it.

I say buy this one, its a great investment. The other unit will drop in value the day it lands in your shop.