Latest update on my health


RIP 2018
Rest In Peace
Well so far the pain is still constant. The Prognosis is not good. the Chemo is only going to slow the progression and not stop it. It seems I only have 2 -3 yrs. So I decided to not finish the indexer and concentrate on just fixing things that need it around here. I plan on selling off some of my stuff that I don't really need now. I don't have life insurance because the rates were always too high due to my health through the years. So always counted on the shops life insurance while I worked. So I have to sell off what I can so the wife will have something to bury me and some left so she can stay in the house long enough to find something she can afford.
In the mean time I will still be watching and helping here when I can. As well as doing what machining I can to fix things here that need parts. When I am sure I no longer need the Atlas mill that was lent to me I will make arrangements to get it back to it's owner.
I thank all those that have sent best wishes.
Well I am going to my Urologist shortly to have it out with him as to why they can't remove the tumor to at least alleviate the pain.
I hope it works out for you Bill. Have you considered a second opinion?

Bill, I don't know whether this will help or not. Our neighbor had a tumor in his shoulder and our distinguished doctors at UW Hospital told him that they would have to amputate his arm because the tumor was so intertwined with nerve and muscle tissue that they couldn't remove it without destroying the function of his arm.

He did some searching and eventually found a surgeon in New Orleans who was confident that he could successfully perform the operation. Long story short, he had the operation and it was successful. The bonus was they got to go down to New Orleans at Mardi Gras for an annual checkup every year.
Keep up the faith and keep looking. Second, third , and fourth opinions are worth seeking.

The best of luck!
Ow, so sorry for the news but your right about getting more opinions. There's help out there YA just have to find it. I'm also in the position that I need the spinal surgery, bad news for both of us. Bill I don't know how to help but im still hoping and praying for several here with health issues. Mines been since 1979 , it's been a terrible yet wonderful forty years +-. Prayers help but God helps those who are willing to help themselves. Please try searching for better drs and hospitals. I myself go to Philadelphia to Jefferson hospital, I figure if it's good for presidents and popes it's good enough for me. I had two bad back surgeries in My Holly hospital in nj . But I've had three different plus one back surgery in Philadelphia . Ill be finding out asap I've wasted 6 months with pain drs .
Bill let me know if there's anything I can do , I'm not much but I'm willing. If I had extra funds I'd send it . I'm sorry I've only the SS disability to live on . My extras I sell and barter to get.
Well the reason they don't want to operate is because they are afraid of the cancer spreading into the pelvic bones or elsewhere. Right now it it is where the prostate was. They are hoping to kill the cancer where it is before it does spread any further. So pain management and chemo are the 1st things. After a bit of chemo they will scan again and maybe biopsy. I see the oncologist next on friday.
Usually they have great success when it's in that area. Big help is trying stay upbeat and healthy, I know it's super hard to do , when I lost the use of my legs and arms I wanted to die . Between my love of family and the style of life I needed I'm still fighting. My whole world stopped working , hunting , fishing, loving . All out the window, lost everything we had to medical bills. For two years my wife and I and two babies lived on no income , peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and potatoes ,, given to us.. was our food source. Food stamps kept milk eggs and bread home made. I still at times don't know how we made it. Even now the bills are piling up but I've learned they will accept what Medicare pays .