Lathe ID price check

I think you need an experienced person along with you when you look at it. The lathe might be OK, does not look too well cared for in the pics, and I did not see much tooling and accessories included with it. It could very easily be heavy scrap metal, or just as easily could be a great bargain. Gotta go see it and give it a really good inspection and test. Is it under power? Does it run? If so to both of those questions, it is worth looking at, but not necessarily worth more than scrap metal, or could be a pretty much ready to run lathe. It might be worth looking at even if it does not run. Did you ask about its condition, if it runs, and what comes with it?
The guy was kind of vague. He was out of town till Tuesday and phone connection was bad. I'll get back to him next week and if I go take a person that knows what to look for. It may be to big for me now that I have looked up that model. 36 inch would be better I think. I'll get back to you after I ask all my questions. I think I will call Andy and see about the Taiwan lathe maybe a better first lathe for me. That lathe is on Craigslist and is in walnut creek if someone has interest. I don't think the guy really knows anything.
I saw that lathe too and it's a good model but that particular example looks like it could be really worn, so be careful
Yes Bob the second I finished the mill I thought of a project that needed a lathe lol. I'm definitely obsessed now with finding a lathe. I'm thinking of going to the scraping meet and have a 2 inch thick piece of steel and wondered if I could practice on it? Or is cast ironmthe only material?
Scraping meet?
Hey Mark I asked the guy how much it weighs and he said 1 ton and I thought no way. So I checked on one of the I'D lathes sites and it said the 5310 was 650 lbs or so without motor and apron tail stock ECT. If that is true that size would work for me but like you said it looks very beat up. This guy selling it does not know much or anything about it. So all I can do is see if he has power to it and see if he can run it and visually check the bed ways ect. I'll see on Tuesday what it's about.
... This guy selling it does not know much or anything about it...
Over the years, this has turned into a red flag for me. It's a way, true or not, for the seller to claim zero responsibility, and if you find something really wrong, he'll hide behind that excuse. I much rather buy from someone who takes full ownership and has knowledge about it. Who buys a lathe not knowing anything about it, then owns it for years "not knowing anything about it." If he's selling for someone else, that's another version of the same excuse, unless of course they're helping a widow with their spouse's stuff.
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I totally agree I really want to hear run and go through its functions if not it not for me