Left hand or right hand?

Which side of your mill is the DRO mounted, explain pros and cons

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H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 14, 2020
I just noticed a member with a new machine and the DRO isolated on the left side facing the machine, I have always seen them on the right.
On the two DRO's that I have installed,they both went on the right. The z axis feed wheel is on the right so it seemed like the obvious place. The monitor on my Tormach CNC is also on the right as is the keyboard, mouse, and jog/shuttle. The DRO on my lathe is mounted above the middle of the backsplash and the ELS control/display directly behind the chuck.

I'm a lefty.
I'm a lefty, but I use the right X hand wheel mostly. Also my dro is on my right side. I don't think it matters at all. It's how you want to face, and are comfortable.
I'm guessing that it might depend on your dominant eye, I don't have one now, but when I did, it was on the right side.
It's interesting you mention that. My left eye is the dominant and I'm ambidextrous. I chose the right side because that's where the electrical boxes are on the machine, and there was more free space on the right than the left. The left side already had the light.
Shortly after I started at the shop where I served my apprenticeship, they installed readouts on some of their mills. They were among the first ever in the south eastern Wisconsin area. They were on the right, it just seemed natural. It took a long time before anyone trusted them. I still to this day also set the hand dials as a backup. (Always with the backlash removed with the numbers climbing, never have to guess which way to remove the backlash.)

BPs are right hand machines. Quill handle is on the right, as is the quill lock. Knee crank is angled to the left side making clearance for the operator on the right. Servo power table feed is always on the right end, controls for it would face the back if mounted on the left end. Belt change mills have belt access and tension lock on right side. Ram lock bolts and adjustment pinion lever are on the right. If the DRO was mounted on the left it would need to be high enough to be seen over the ram or on an arm long enough to be seen to the left of the head.

I also set the handwheel dials prior to zeroing the DRO.
Quill handle is on the right, I tend to use the right X handwheel, I keep my toolbox on the right and most importantly - I'm right handed and always use my right hand on the DRO. Makes sense for it to be on the right.

That said, I've used left side DRO machines and it's not a big change; I just need to be closer to the DRO to use it because I'm reaching across my body to touch it.