Little Lathe, Big Work- A Crash Course Into The Unknown.

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
I had a project a while back that i'm just now getting to make a story of.
I had a project that involved modifying an existing steel grinding fixture for my rotary surface grinder.
the fixture wasn't hardened, so machining was a good time!
the fixture is about 7" OD. way too large for my working machines!
i took it as a challenge to accomplish the feat.
i gave the shoulder tap to my vintage 9X22" Hercus ARH Lathe...

a 6" scale is held up to the work
this is an after shot, i didn't think to take a before shot.

I parted a ridge off of the fixture that was about .375" thick.
then faced the end.
i then cut a recess .200" deep into the fixture and made a step inside the fixture 5" across.

heres a side view.



i drilled the spring pin bore after the lathe work was performed.
i used the industrolite M500 to bore the spring pin hole with a 4 flute carbide endmill to the planned depth of .375".
a conventional drill bit would not have been able to be used due to the proximity of the spring pin to step bore and where it's location was needed.

i remounted the work on the lathe for photogenic purposes.

the finish was smooth as silk,
i have a lot more respect for the lil Hercus, it can make some beautiful work!

thanks for reading!
Nice work. It's great when you have the tools and skill to do it all yourself.
Me I still need a few tools and a whole lot of skills.......

Today the lathe and the mill help modify parts for the surface grinder.
Tomorrow maybe the grinder can return the favour.
Thanks Brino,
it helps a lot to have tools,
but you have to be half crazy to try some of the stuff i try...:D

where there is a Will, there is a Way!
Nice work Mike, so when do you start to scrape it in so that it is dead flat? :adore:

Thanks Brooks :D,
funny you should mention scraping the fixture, i haven't started yet- but it's going to happen!
Dang it Mike,I was hoping to see a picture of the surface grinder!!!!