lucky or unlucky?


I saw a Craftsman 109 (yes, I googled it) in quite nice shape on CL for $200 It would not let me reply to the ad for a while, and when I got through it was gone. I know a lot of people think these really stink. I have space considerations and this seemed like a good place to start. I was browsing the forums looking for suggestions on smaller, used machines on the cheap side. Just wondering if there are a few good ones to look for or any to avoid, as I may have to strike quickly.
For some odd reason, these little lathes fetch a lot of money on Craigslist. I would not beat myself up over missing a $200 109 lathe. These lathes can be quite goofed up, and not worth that price. I was trying to sell one on Craigslist, and nobody would give me $120 for it. Got some interest below $100, but for that price, I'll rob it for parts for other projects or use it as a polishing lathe.