Machine/Tool Drought

Doug Gray

H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Oct 28, 2020
I get so jealous when I read about someone's latest find on Craig's list or Kijiji. I NEVER am able to find anything useful in my area... until today. My organization and storage troubles are over! :D


Thanks for looking
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This... is... gold. I have a rather large collection of jars I use to store my small parts in. This still made me smile.

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Wow! I didn't realize that used jars were so valuable. I prefer not to use glass because of breakage issues.

We consume a fair amount of Parmesan cheese and the containers hold about 250 ml and have a flip top for easy but secure access. My prescription medication provides a good supply of smaller containers from 10 ml to 250 ml. For larger volumes, the doggy treats come in 2.5 l. containers with screw lids.
Containers .JPG
Now that I think about it, my dad had two rows of Nescafe' coffee jars in his basement shop. The lids were screwed to the floor joist above the work bench (which was the family freezer).:)
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I see your (12) and raise you (18). :grin:
I made this up decades ago when space was really limited. Made a mistake and used a 1.5" dia. acrylic rod for the shaft.
That broke through the mounting hole some time ago. Amazingly none of the jars broke.
Now if only I could remember what all I have stashed in them...
Honey has placed a moratorium on jar collecting. I'm down to one tub up in the attic, (plus the one She hasn't seen... :rolleyes: )

My wife is "allergic" to glass anything, something from her past. . . I don't use them in the metal shop, just in case. But in the wood shop, now, I have dozens of small jars of parts. (Jelly jar size) Having been a "pack rat" since childhood, I have tons of junk stuff stashed away. Lots of electrical parts, my (ex)profession, just in case they are needed some day. Cardboard boxes for the big stuff, jars (both glass and plastic) for the "normal" (middlin') size stuff, and jillions of pill bottles for my modeling parts. So much so that I have cases (plastic) to store the small pill bottles by function. Stored in a barn storage shed, the cardboard boxes don't last more than a couple years. Between the climate(?) and squirrels fuzzy tailed rats, the cardboard breaks down. Really important stuff is stored in plastic totes.(bins?)

Over the years, I have tried several systems where the lids were fastened to the underside of a (sometimes rotating) shelf. With the exception of baby food jars of a consistant size, none were worth the trouble. Since I have no children, and the women I have dated had school age kids, I've had no real access to them. I drink a cheaper brand of coffee and recently it comes in squared canisters. Then there are the #10 food cans. I have found, for the size of my "collection", shallow shelves give the densest storage. Especially with odd sized containers. Shelves can be arranged to swivel out of the way, several deep.

One side of my shop looks like a supply house.(laugh) One of my personal "problems" is that when I have a need for some item, such as hex head machine screws, I buy a package of a hundred at little more cost than to buy eight or so at the hardware store. Over time, I have a selection that rivals that supply house for items I (used to) use. So much so that my memory is slacking up. And odd items for my models, many no longer made.

One side of my shop looks like a supply house.(laugh) One of my personal "problems" is that when I have a need for some item, such as hex head machine screws, I buy a package of a hundred at little more cost than to buy eight or so at the hardware store. Over time, I have a selection that rivals that supply house for items I (used to) use.
That is similar to my own stocking method including one end of my shop that is all shelves and storage (warehouse). It all works well until I forget I have some odd part and buy another batch only to find out that I did have the part. That will ultimately be my son's problem :).